
April 2017 Intermediate Trading Workshop Highlights

Trade View April 2017 Intermediate Trading Workshop

April 2017 Intermediate Trading Workshop Highlights

Last weekend we hosted our in-house Intermediate Trading Workshop.

In these workshops, you will learn how to build your algorithmic trading models step-by-step, learn the techniques and trading tools we use on our trading desk, and work with our traders to continue to build trading strategies going forward.

Click on the video below to see some highlights from the weekend, and initial results of their builds!


Attendees learnt elements of Trade View’s own proprietary trading systems, and were exposed to the very same trading techniques and ideas that our prop traders use on a daily basis.

Each trader built their very own system based on the strategies they have been using and implementing ideas taught by us, we were able to help them test, analyse and improve their results.

We’ve already received great questions from these traders since the weekend, and will be working with them closely going forward to help them improve their results further.

We now have only 2 in house seats remaining for May, and expect these to be booked very quickly.

With the ongoing volatility across all major markets, our students have witnessed some fantastic returns, by allowing us to HELP them build good quality systems. 


If you would like us to assist you in taking your trading to the next level, feel free to call us on (03) 9018 5438.

We can show you how we trade various markets on the desk, in all kinds of market conditions, using multiple strategies.


To join our next Intermediate Trading Workshop, please click on the link below.