Trader Insights

Attendee Interview – Peter

Hear from Peter, an Algo Trading Conference attendee, on how the event has transformed his trading strategies.

Discover how he perfected models and achieved impressive returns.

Book now for the 2024 Algo Trading Conference.


What excites you most about the conference?

 Always interesting to see the presenters present their models. I’m really looking forward to going through and analysing the models and so forth. 

But this year, I’ve got involved with the Algo Traders Club, and I’m really, really excited about being able to get involved with that – where you’ve got other people talking about this year’s models.

So, I’m looking at taking these models through the algo traders clubs and perfecting them and making them really profitable. 

How was your experience working with Trade View?

I’ve been working with Trade View for probably about 18 months. But I’ve only just started to really build the algos in the last 12 months, which has been fantastic.

And, I find that they’ve got very good support. When I first started, I didn’t know much about the platform. By the way, the Trade View X platform is excellent to work with. I didn’t know much about it and through talking to people like yourself and so forth at Trade View, I’ve learnt to organise it pretty well.

How many algos are you running in Trade View X?

I’ve got probably about 20 or so on live trading. And, on my demo trades, it could be up to 50 or 60. 

What percentage returns have you seen so far?

The live account’s going very well, very good percentage returns. For one account I’ve got 43% return, and that’s only over six weeks, so it’s a very quick return.

And, the other one that I’ve had going for nearly 12 months is up 299%.

Book now for the 2024 Algo Trading Conference.

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