Trading Talk

Episode 260 – Oil Arbitrage and Automated Trading

Hi Traders,

Oil Markets, Arbitrage, and Automated Trading.

In this episode, our Senior Trader Matt enters the world of arbitrage. In particular, we look at oil markets and the opportunities that lie within them. How can we take advantage of the rare occasions that Crude and Brent move in different directions? This episode will explain how and develop a strategy around it.

It’s no secret that crude oil and Brent crude oil prices can move in different directions. When this happens, it creates opportunities for arbitrage traders. In this episode, we’ll explore what crude-Brent arbitrage is and how you can take advantage of it. Stay tuned to learn more!

When crude oil and Brent crude oil prices move in different directions, it creates an opportunity for arbitrageurs to buy crude oil at a low price and sell it at a higher price. This difference in price is called the “crude-Brent spread.” The key to successful arbitrage trading is to buy crude oil when the spread is wide and then sell it when the spread narrows.

Of course, arbitrage trading is not without risk. The crude-Brent spread can widen very quickly, so it’s important to monitor it closely. But if you’re quick on your feet and have a keen eye for opportunity, crude-Brent arbitrage could be a profitable strategy for you.

Thanks for tuning in! We hope this episode has given you some insights into crude-Brent arbitrage.

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Free Online Webinar NEXT WEDNESDAY!

In this webinar, our General Manager Eddie Cornelissen will show you 3 automated trading strategies we are looking at right now to get results trading the market to the downside.

You’ll get to see exactly how these key strategies work and how they perform in live backtesting.

Eddie will demonstrate how YOU can automate any entry you can see on the charts in seconds using Trade View’s revolutionary AI automation tool X-Scope (Patent Pending – 2019268068) – no prior skills required.

By the end of this Webinar, you will know how to use the 3 automated strategies we are looking at right now and how to use Trade View X to start automating your own trading.

Join us for this exclusive webinar to start your trading day with greater confidence.

Wednesday, 14 September 2022 7:30 pm (AEST)

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