Trader Insights

Attendee Interview – Nick

Nick’s experience at the Algo Trading Conference is a testament to the event’s impact on traders of all levels.

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How long have you been trading?

I’ve been trading for probably about 10 years, I reckon. Been probably working on a manual strategy for a while. But since finding AlgoTrading, that has just opened up a world of possibilities now.  

What excites you most about the conference?

I was really excited to see Tim speak this year, but, we just saw Charles do his thing. And that blew me away. He’s got some of the best ideas that I’ve ever seen in an algo trade. But yeah, definitely Tim; looking forward to seeing what he’s going to bring to the table as well.

How many algos are you running in trade view x?

So I’m currently running about probably 20 algos, but my best algos are a small list of maybe five algos that I run simultaneously into a portfolio account, and that’s probably the best performer so far.  

What do you love most about Trade View X?

The thing that I love most about using Trade View X is probably the idea that I can bring my own spin to an already existing idea.

There’s a lot of freedom of control that you can use. So if I have an idea that I had in one algorithm and I want to use it in another algorithm, I can just copy it straight across. 

Or if I could want to copy something that somebody else has done, maybe something from a previous conference or something that’s in the templates, I can immediately bring it into my own algorithm and see how it would have performed in comparison. Usually the two are better than what I would have brought myself. 

Book now for the 2024 Algo Trading Conference.

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